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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Remote monitor PIP...
Monte   2008-08-10 13:11

I've got a single video card in a HTPC feeding a local television and the s-video out feeding a distant television. Is there a way to monitor what is on the distant television without disrupting the main one, like in a PIP window on the main screen using UltraMon?


Christian Studer   2008-08-11 10:29
You could do this with UltraMon's monitor preview feature (under UltraMon menu > Mirroring), please note that this isn't available yet under Vista.

If the TV application uses video overlays, you would need to disable them via UltraMon mirroring settings, otherwise you'll only get a blank TV window. This can cause problems for some video players, and may cause reduced video image quality.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Remote monitor PIP...

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