Mehmet 2008-08-10 19:40
Hey people,
I'm new here and completely new to this multi-monitor thing. I have two monitors here but I want to find out how to move maximised windows from one monitor to another...
can anyone give me a hand with this?
Christian Studer 2008-08-11 10:23
If you have UltraMon installed you can just drag them like regular windows, or click on the Move Window button added to the application's title bar.
Otherwise you'll need to first restore the window, then move it to the other monitor and maximize it again.
Christian Studer -
Dasher 2008-08-15 02:48
I move my laptop between home <-> work and often hibernate. I use dual screens (laptop & external screen) with an extra monitor on my desk at work - and often just use the laptop screen at home. I always try to move the windows back to the laptop display but without a doubt forget to move back something that lives in the system tray (skype, etc).
It would be handy to have a menu on the ultramon system tray icon that would "Reset all windows to Primary". It would save having to logout/reboot - to have access to the windows.
Christian Studer 2008-08-15 12:22
Thanks for the suggestion, will be considered for a future release.
Christian Studer -
cwb3106 2008-08-17 01:49
FWIW, I’ve been playing around and confirmed that windows attached to System Tray processes can open on non-existent monitors. Dasher, have you tried UltraMon’s hot keys? You can define one for “move to primary monitor”.
My observation is that the UltraMon hot keys work even if you can’t see the window. The only trick is put the keyboard focus on the hidden window. When you first open a window (e.g., click on the tray icon) it will have keyboard focus. So if you immediately use your hot key, the window should be visible. If you don’t move it then, you might be able to use ALT+TAB to give it the focus. Sadly, some of these windows don’t show up in the ALT+TAB list.
Hope this work-around helps.
JeniQ 2008-08-19 05:29
Aw, shucks. I was just coming here to find out how to "move all monitors to primary" using a single keystroke in UltraMon. I'm disappointed that functionality is not (yet) available. That was a feature that ATI Hydravision had.
Can't wait to see it in a future release! :)
Svend 2008-08-19 17:33
First of all I cannot understand why this great tool is not compulsory on ALL laptops. It has big potential, and I look forward to using it a lot more.
I have the exact same problem as Dasher with switching between two monitors at work and laptop at home. Therefore I am trying to incorporate shortcuts - unfortunately so far without any success.
Should I upgrade to the beta version?
Christian Studer 2008-08-20 10:33
Svend, what kind of problems do you experience when trying to configure custom position settings for an application shortcut?
There were no major changes to the shortcuts feature in the 3.0 beta.
Christian Studer -
Svend 2008-08-20 19:17
When I activate the shortcut key stroke (e.g. CTRL+F8) tt comes up with a Windows Script Host error stating "Line: 6; Char: 3; Error: Invalid procedure call or argument; Code: 800A0005; Source: Mocrosoft VBScript runtime error.
I have downloaded the SwitchPrimary.vbs script from your webpage with the following code:
'copyright 2002 by Realtime Soft -
Set sys = CreateObject("UltraMon.System")
For Each mon In sys.Monitors
If mon.Primary = False Then
mon.Primary = True
Exit For
End If
Christian Studer 2008-08-21 09:39
Most likely UltraMon can't change the primary monitor, this is usually the case on laptops.
To verify this, check if you can change it via UltraMon menu > Set Primary.
Christian Studer -