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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Messneger Toolbar
David   2008-08-11 00:04
Just testing out the new Ultramon and I cannot seem to get a feature running. My friend uses an older version and he has a toolbar on the left on his monitor dedicated to Messenger windows.

He doesnt know how he got this working i was wondering does anyone know ?

Christian Studer   2008-08-11 10:31
Can you add the toolbar to the main taskbar? If yes, you can then drag it off the main taskbar and dock it on the other monitor. This is handled by Windows, not UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
David   2008-08-11 17:32
Hi Christian

Maybe I'm not describing it correctly, what it is is like a 3rd taskbar that only handles messenger windows so when you have multiple conversations open they are listed in this taskbar on the side of the screen and don't clutter up the other taskbars.

Thank you for your continued help

Christian Studer   2008-08-12 10:54
Must be something else, UltraMon taskbars can't show tasks from only a specific application, they will always show all tasks from one or more monitors.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Messneger Toolbar

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