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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> background image issues on dual monitor
anchorblew   2008-08-14 05:11
I have my desktop strected on two monitors but can't get a dual monitor image to stretch onto both screens. It only wants to put the same image on both screens. When I attempt to set the background/desktop image to stretch it just squeezes the image to fit the single monitor (1280x1024) and not stretch to the full 2560x1024.

If it doesn't work at first. Just try a bigger hammer...
David DeRolph   2008-08-14 06:13
Do you realize that, if you take an image that looks normal at 1280x1024, it's not going to look normal if stretched across 2560x1024?
Christian Studer   2008-08-14 11:30
You could set the Position option to Tile, this will work fine if you don't have a secondary monitor to the left of the primary.

UltraMon can also do this, independent of monitor arrangement.

Christian Studer -
David DeRolph   2008-08-20 00:52
[quote]You could set the Position option to Tile, this will work fine if you don't have a secondary monitor to the left of the primary.[/quote]He's using two monitors, so obviously one of those is a secondary monitor, right? Or, am I not understanding your comment?

And, what's the significance of a secondary monitor being to the left of the primary? If the secondary is to the right of the primary, is that any different?
Christian Studer   2008-08-20 10:40
It's due to how Windows handles the wallpaper, you would get a reversed wallpaper if the secondary monitor is to the left of the primary.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> background image issues on dual monitor

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