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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop & 2 monitors
run0   2008-08-19 15:42

I have a laptop with Vista and two other monitors that I would like to use with it. One of the other monitors works when I connect a VGA to my laptop and use Ultramon. I purchased a USB to VGA cable to add another VGA slot for the other monitor, and it seems to be recognized but when I try to enable it, it always reverts to disabled. I've tried installing and uninstalling the drivers several times to no avail, and both the monitors are the same. Am I missing something or won't a USB to VGA cable work?

ECarlson   2008-08-20 14:38
Does your laptop have USB 2.0 ports? Does the USB to VGA adapter have its own power adapter? If not, do the laptop's USB 2.0 ports provide enough power for the adapter? If you're not sure, try the adapter on a desktop with USB 2.0 ports (which should provide sufficient power) to see if it is working correctly, or add a powered USB 2.0 hub between the adapter and the laptop to provide external power.

- Eric,
run0   2008-08-20 16:57
Thanks, I figured it out after much frustration.

It was simply a poorly designed adapter. When I pushed in the VGA cable end to the adapter completely, it would not work. When I only put it halfway in, it now works. Strange.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop & 2 monitors

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