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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop as second display
Gumdoc   2001-11-12 09:08
Is it possible to use a laptop's display as a second display in a multi-monitor setup? If so, is it as simple as finding a VGA cable to connect between the desktop's video card and the external VGA connector of the laptop, or is it more complicated than this?

Thanks for any help.

Terry   2001-11-12 19:50
Most laptops only have a VGA out socket so that ou can connect it to a larger monitor. I've yet to see a laptop with VGA in.

If you were very handy with a soldering iron you could take the internal>/i> connector and find a way to connect it to your PC video card... there's a discussion about this on Slashdot.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop as second display

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