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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Default Secondary Monitor Position
Tashdingo   2008-08-25 08:20
I use a laptop with a second monitor. My second monitor is on the left hand side of my laptop, so i went to display settings and moved it, but any time i hibernate or screen saver opens, it moves the second monitor back on the left. I didnt see a place in ultramon to change the setting either. anyone ever heard of this problem? im running xp professional 32 bit on an hp nw440 with an ATI mobility fireGL V5200

Christian Studer   2008-08-25 09:50
I'm not sure what would cause this. UltraMon doesn't have an automatic workaround, but you could set up a display profile (UltraMon menu > Display Profiles) to quickly restore the original display configuration.

Christian Studer -
Tashdingo   2008-08-25 11:07
thanks - its not solving the problem, but less clicks to get around the inconvenience is a help.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Default Secondary Monitor Position

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