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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Excel macro editor opens when enable or disable 2nd monitor
Jayme   2008-08-25 13:31
Hi, I am using the latest beta of ultramon on vista, gfx card is intel 965 with latest drivers.
I find that if I have used the Visual basic macro editor and closed it within a particular excel 2007 session, it will reopen whenever the smart taskbar either opens or closes. that is when I disable or renable my 2nd monitor (often coz this is a laptop) or when the smart taskbar crashes (once every few days).

if I close the excel process which I opened the visual basic editor from, it ceases this behaviour until I open the macro editor again from the new excel window.

anyone else know of this problem or a fix?

Christian Studer   2008-08-26 10:03
This is an issue with Excel, happens if the workspace area gets changed.

You'll also have this issue without UltraMon running, for example if you change the always on top setting for the main taskbar. You can do this via Control Panel > Taskbar and Start Menu, check or uncheck the 'Keep the taskbar on top of other windows' option.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Excel macro editor opens when enable or disable 2nd monitor

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