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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Can't change primary
Chris Tate-Davies   2008-08-27 00:49
Hello. I am using UltraMon 3, on Vista 32bit. I have a Dell laptop connected to a Dell flatscreen monitor through the digital out.

UltraMon won't let me change the primary to be the flatscreen monitor. So they only way to have it as primary is if I shut the laptop screen.

How can I get both screens on, but with the external flatscreen as primary?

Thanks, Chris
Christian Studer   2008-08-27 09:58
UltraMon usually can't change the primary monitor on laptops, but you should be able to do this via the software for the video card.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Can't change primary

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