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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> "maximizing" to 2 out of three horizontally-arranged monitors
Cornan   2008-08-28 05:58
My Matrox video card supports 3 monitors and I'm thinking of adding a third monitor.

I most often use GoToMyPC to connect in either direction between my two monitor home and work computers.

This request is complicated by the fact that UltraMon already doesn't work with GoToMyPC (the menu items are shown, but nothing happens when they're selected).

What I'd like to be able to do is to maximize GoToMyPC (or perhaps some other program) to TWO of the three monitors, almost as UltraMon was "lying" to the software that there were really only two monitors.

GoToMyPC already has a multi-monitor maximize of its own, but I don't know what it will do when I connect between systems of 2 & 3 monitors.

(I'd also be happy just to see UltraMon and GoToMeeting work together).

Please give me your thoughts.

Christian Studer   2008-08-28 09:48
You could give the Maximize2Mon script a try, but from your description it sounds like UltraMon may not be able to move/resize the GoToMyPC window (some applications restrict how their windows can be moved/resized).

Christian Studer -
Cornan   2008-09-01 00:34
Thanks for the REPLY - I'll check the scripts folder first next time...
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> "maximizing" to 2 out of three horizontally-arranged monitors

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