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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Onboard and pci video
John   2008-08-30 02:52
When I put my pci video card in and run the onboard video it kills the onboard video.

The only options I have in my bios under onboard video is.
Disabled or extended codec

Is there any way to force the onboard to also work with the pci card?

ecarlson   2008-08-30 08:13
If the add-in video card is AGP, there is most likely no way to use it at the same time as the onboard.

If the add-in is PCIe, it sometimes works (or so I've heard).

If the add-in is PCI, it usually works with the onboard. My work PC is set up this way: onboard + PCI for 3 monitors.

- Eric,
John`   2008-08-31 03:07
It's a just a PCI card. This worked on my emachine, onboard and this card but not my new machine. Motherboard geforce 7050m-m with 2gig dual AMD.
I have 2 reg. PCI slots, I tried both, still kills the onboard.

I'm going to go with a dual pci express card, just wanted to know if there was a way to get around this for the time being.
ECarlson   2008-09-01 13:10
Interesting. Not sure what the issue is. Have you tried setting one or the other (onboard vs add-in) as primary video in BIOS to see if one way makes a difference? Do you have the latest BIOS installed? Also, perhaps search the past threads for some additional ideas.

- Eric,
John   2008-09-06 13:18
I just got a dual video card, this took care of my problem.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Onboard and pci video

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