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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Google Chrome and Smart Taskbar
-monky-   2008-09-02 19:21
It seems that running the Smart Taskbar on a second monitor has an effect on Google's new browser: Google Chrome.

It seems that while the taskbar is running, "maximising" Chrome on the secondary display causes the application to assume the dimensions of the *primary* dislay resolution, whatever that may be.

For example, my primary display runs at 1920x1200 whereas my secondary display runs at 1280x1024. When the taskbar is running, maximising Google Chrome on the secondary monitor causes it to stretch off the side of the screen. Moving the application back to the primary monitor (still maximised) works, and displays correctly on the primary monitor.

If the Smart Taskbar is turned off, maximising the application works correctly, on both monitors.
Tim   2008-09-02 19:39
What OS are you using? I have the problem at work with Windows XP SP2 but not at home where I have Vista SP1. Both using Ultramon 3.0.2
-monky-   2008-09-02 19:45
Good thought. This testing was done on XP Pro. I will investigate Vista if I have a chance...
Lars   2008-09-03 08:10
I'm getting this on XP SP3 as well.
Christian Studer   2008-09-03 09:52
This would need to be fixed in Chrome, looks like it doesn't properly handle desktop toolbars on secondary monitors.

Christian Studer -
aBax   2008-09-04 10:43
There are two apps (that I know of) that do not maximize correctly on the secondary monitor. Napster and Google Chrome. These two programs do not have standard title bars like all other windows and I think this could be causing the problem.
aBax   2008-09-12 01:57
Tony   2008-09-30 04:05
having the same problem with the secondary monitor maximizing and the ultramon buttons on windows xp. So are all these people on
google chrome's forums.

I think google should fix it and it is quite possible they are the only ones who can - it seems their browser doesn't play by the windows rules because it uses it's own title bar.

However, if you guys at realtimesoft can look into it maybe there's an easy fix?
Christian Studer   2008-09-30 05:36
This would need to be fixed in Chrome, UltraMon can't change the maximize behavior of an application.

Christian Studer -
NuJ   2008-10-07 03:05
this has been fixed!
Latest chrome version:

john   2008-10-21 14:39
This has not been fixed yet... I am using the latest Chrome version as stated above, yet it cannot maximize without removing the Smart Taskbar option.
Tony   2009-01-27 01:54
The latest dev version of chrome ( fixed the maximizing problem for me when the smart taskbar is enabled. To download you need to change your chrome to the dev channel, follow instructions here:
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Google Chrome and Smart Taskbar

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