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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Switching between monitors without ALT-TABBING out of a fullscreen app?
Planet_x   2008-09-05 11:12
Is it possible for me to switch between monitors when I am running an application such as a game at fullscreen on my main monitor and I want to move the mouse to access something on the 2nd monitor? So far I am forced to alt tab to the desktop on the main then switch over to the second, is this possible without doing this? Any advice appreciated.
Tain   2008-10-28 13:47
BEYOND frustrating when every thread asking this question that I see doesn't even have a simple "no" in it, for crying out loud. If it can't be done, say "no" please so others like myself and this fellow can stop wasting our time looking.
ecarlson   2008-10-30 14:33

- Eric,
ecarlson   2008-11-02 14:11
Also, this has been asked and answered many times here, so maybe that's why it doesn't get answered every single time it's asked, since if someone really wants to find out, they can just search and find all the previous answers.

- Eric,
Paeg   2008-11-25 23:52
most games are not designed with multi-tasking in mind.

a lot however do offer a windowed mode where the game can be played in a window on the primary monitor. this should allow for relatively seemless alt-tabbing.

Scribbles   2008-12-04 00:16
I actually had a bit of success in this department with *SOME* games. I actually just got a second monitor last night, so I don't have a very sturdy list, but heres what I found.

In Left4Dead (Valve software, source engine game) there is an option to run the game windowed without the application bar, if you maximize the game in normal windowed mode, and then switch to windowed w/o taskbar, it is identical to fullscreen mode (with no change in FPS), however switching to secondary app will cause your taskbar to popup over the game, the game continues to be rendered (though fps drops until focus returns) and you can mess with apps on other montitors and even launch apps from the start menu and slide them to the secondary monitor.

This worked very well, as the app continues to be rendered and remains in memory, however you can access your taskbar under the game, and anything you want on the second monitor.

I checked around ultramon, and I could not find any method for forcing this functionality, but I would assume that it's standard capability of microsofts windowing api that is simply hidden by most apps.

If there are any developers out there that could look into this, and see if this windowing option for full screen apps is easily accessed.

If this funtionality were added to the program, it would upgrade my likelyhood of purchase from "maybe someday, maybe" to "Definately".

Regardless, Left4Dead (and likely other source games like TeamFortress 2, Day Of Defeat, Half Life 2 etc) can operate quite well on multiple monitors, if a method is found to force this in any apps, this prog will be must have for me.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Switching between monitors without ALT-TABBING out of a fullscreen app?

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