Phil 2008-09-07 15:00
Is it possible to have all new windows open on specific monitor?
I find it annoying when new windows open on my secondary monitor. I know there are scripts to do this for specific programs but it would be tedious to set it up for every program.
If not then maybe it could be added in a future release? =)
Christian Studer 2008-09-08 10:07
Will be considered for a future release, currently this isn't supported.
Christian Studer -
Warren Lambert 2008-10-06 10:00
I would also like to have a way for a specific app to open on a specific monitor.
I have 3 big lcds (1200 x 1920) and a nifty little Cintique graphics monitor (1280 x 800) as #4. For some reason apPPT, ps want to start on the Cintique (Word, Excel, Sigmaplot, R, MPLUS, Photoshop, ctrl panel, SPSS, MSIE).
No big deal, just use a hotkey to place the app on the right window. Is there an automatic way to control the window where apps open?
Warren Lambert
Christian Studer 2008-10-06 10:31
You can configure custom position settings for an application's shortcut, to do this right-click the shortcut, select Properties from the menu, then select the UltraMon - Window tab. You can also create new shortcuts via UltraMon menu > Shortcuts.
Please note that this may not work with all applications.
Christian Studer -
Warren Lambert 2008-11-09 03:18
Thank you. I didnt know that the shortcuts had an Ultramon tab.
I ran a test to see if I could control the monitor a program opened on.
My test worked: I told the quicklaunch icon for Outlook to start on Monitor #2, and it did. Previously it would open on my tiny Cintique (#4).
This looks like a good solution so far. Thank you!
Warren Lambert
John McGovern 2009-10-22 02:44
Has this issue been addressed at all. I am running in the trial mode and before I pay for it I would like to know.
It was quite annoying when I open outlook and the new message appears on the different monitor. However it is a real pain when I'm using Photoshop and open a settings window which opens in the primary window all the time.
Great product apart from this wee annoyance.
Christian Studer 2009-10-22 08:45
That's not supported yet, UltraMon can only move the main application window.
Christian Studer -