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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> V3 Beta
CJ   2008-09-11 21:52
Could I ask why nearly 2 years after Windows Vista went RTM there still isn't a finalised compatible version of Ultramon available.

I bought this product assuming that the final Vista compatible version would available in due course, is there a planned final release date?

At this rate it'll have a longer development cycle than Vista itself :)
veritas   2008-09-11 22:36
what compatibility issues do you actually have? I think most of the rest of us are just waiting for additional features and minor fixes here/there -- I have pretty much no issues running ultramon on vista 64...
fain   2008-09-12 00:50
I'm running the latest version 3 beta Vista x32 Ultimate.

I have problems with the systray icon disappearing on a regular basis. To fix this I have to open the Task Manager and kill the UltraMon.exe process and reload Ultramon. Not a huge deal, but it seems like every time I go to actually interact with UltraMon (about one a day since my icon dont want to stay put) I have to do this. Like I said, not a huge deal, but with the long delays between Ultramon versions it gets to be a bit annoying.

By the way, I paid quite a bit of money for this program and I expected to have regular updates... e.g. at least beta releases every 2-3 months to fix bugs... whats the deal? At this rate we'll be looking at Windows 7 before UltraMon is updated again. It this software no long a priority at Realtime Soft? If this is the case, why not open source the darn program so we can fix these problems ourselves.
Christian Studer   2008-09-12 07:25
Did you notice what causes this, or do you get any error messages?

So far I've had no problems with the system tray icon disappearing, I'm using 3.0.2 on 64-bit Vista.

3.0 final should be ready before the end of the year.

Christian Studer -
Matt S.   2008-09-12 08:27
And if he keeps his word.. There will be a new beta release in the next 18 days due to being the end of the 3rd quarter..
CJ   2008-09-21 20:04
Well in fairness to Realtime Soft, I'm running the application on Windows Server 2008, but I'm hoping that the final version for Vista will work correctly on this OS as it has the same code base as Vista SP1.

I currently have two issues:
When you unlock the desktop, the machine essentially freezes for a couple of minutes, during this time windows resize and rearrange themselves, i've confirmed it's Ultramon as this doesn't happen if you unlock without the application running.

The second issue is just random crashes, with the following message:

UltraMon Taskbar encountered a fatal error and will exit.

More information:

Source file: .\TaskBand.cpp
Line: 710
Return value: 0
Last Error: 1400

Once you click OK, the second taskbar shuts, but the systray icon is still present, at this point you can exit Ultramon and restart it.

Christian Studer   2008-09-22 09:10
CJ, I can't reprodue the issue with Server 2008 and locking the system, works fine for me, windows don't get rearranged and the system doesn't hang. I tested with UltraMon 3.0.2.

Let me know if this only happens if you have lots of applications running, I tested with about 4 open applications.

The fatal error you mentioned will be fixed in the next release.

Christian Studer -
Robb   2008-09-24 14:54
Running Ultramon 3.0.2 on Windows Server 2008 Std - x64 bit... from day one of the install.

I have no issues with ultramon... at all.

I have 4 monitors.. and I run it with dozens of apps running .

When unlocking desktop I have no problem - no flashing windows.

Just thought I would add to the confusion.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> V3 Beta

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