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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Move mouse to 2nd monitor while gaming in fullscreen on 1st
Anders   2008-09-12 02:23
Is it possible to run a game in fullscreen and move the mouse to the 2nd screen and still keep the game in fullscreen? I have set at hotkey for moving the mouse but when they game is in fullscreen this does not work. Is there any solution to this problem?
brad   2008-09-20 07:59
I would also like to know how to do this.
Chris   2008-09-30 03:30
I am having the same problem, When I move try to Alt + Tab to the program on my other monitor, My full screen program minimizes.
Crow   2008-10-01 00:13
This is a long known problem with all fullscreen apps.
So far there is only one workaround for that:
run the game in windowed mode and move the window edges out of sight. This way it looks like fullscreen but doesn't minimize when out of focus. I implemented the window moving by writing a vbs to move the focused window and made a hotkey to execute it.

vbs for changing the display profile and Win2k-style windows:
Const PROFILE = "C:\documents and settings\USER\applicationdata\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\Profile\GAME.umprofile" Set util = CreateObject("UltraMon.Utility") util.Run PROFILE WScript.Sleep 12000 Set wnd = CreateObject("UltraMon.Window") If wnd.GetForegroundWindow() = True Then wnd.Left = -3 wnd.Top = -22 wnd.ApplyChanges 0 End If
If you don't need the profile change, just use the last 8 lines.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Move mouse to 2nd monitor while gaming in fullscreen on 1st

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