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Scott 2008-09-12 08:22
I have the following:
Asus EEE 1000H, 2GB RAM, Windows Vista.
I noticed that if I set up the Intel 945 video chipset software with schemes I encounter a problem. I have it setup so I can either use the Notebook monitor on its own, or use dual extended desktop with my LCD when plugged in.
I setup the scheme to start up Ultramon whenever I enable the Dual scheme. It works fine, unless Ultramon is already running. If it is already running, then the scheme starts up and then goes back to the other scheme for the single notebook monitor.
It also is setup to revert to the Single mode setup if Ultramon is closed, so for whatever reason if one instance of Ultramon is running, trying to start up a second instance effects the first, leading to it shutting down.
Otherwise everything works fine. I just have to change the scheme setting to avoid the shut down problem.
Christian Studer 2008-09-12 23:33
Unfortunately I don't know what might cause this, the second instance will detect that UltraMon is already running and will terminate immediately, but shouldn't affect the instance which is already running.
Christian Studer -
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