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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Forcing a "default" virtual desktop position for multiple projectors (displays)
Dave Page   2008-09-17 00:50
I am having difficulty configuring a WinXP system with multiple (4x) projectors driven by multiple (2x dual head, nVidia 8800s) graphics cards.

I am able to "manually" get things to work by clicking through the display properties window and settings tab. This window shows the virtual desktop position of each projector. However, I am unable to reliably and repeatably find a way to force the assignment of these desktop positions without a need for clicking through. Will utlramon help?

Let me clarify. Suppose I have four projectors: A, B, C, and D. They are physically arranged from left to right: ABCD. When I boot my system, they may be virtually arranged (by WinXP) in the same order or they may be virtually layed out (by WinXP) as ADBC. In which case, I have to go into the display properties menu and reconfigure to the proper order of ABCD. (I suspect that the order that I turn on the projectors has a lot to do with this ordering.)

My question is how can I force WinXP to some consistent default confiration, say ABCD, at bootup without going through a GUI configuration? Is there a configuration file that I can specify?

Thanks in advance, Dave.

PS Here's system details. WinXP, Intel Skulltrail MB with two quad-core CPUs, two nVidia 8800 graphics cards, four 800x600 VGA projectors.
Christian Studer   2008-09-17 10:18
You could use UltraMon's display profile feature to quickly restore the original configuration.

Christian Studer -
David Page   2008-09-17 13:48
Thanks. Does the SDK for Ultamon support the restore capability as well?

Would I be able to incorporate the restore into code?


Christian Studer   2008-09-18 09:16
No, you would need to implement this manually, the COM objects include the necessary functionality to get and set the display configuration.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Forcing a "default" virtual desktop position for multiple projectors (displays)

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