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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Child application opens on a different monitor
Raktul   2008-09-17 10:12
Hello! I have been using UltraMon since I managed to get a second monitor about a year ago. I have not had any problems with it, but one thing has started to bug me. If I am running a program(aim for example) and it needs to open up a new window, the new window will be on the main monitor. This is annoying when I do not want AIM on my main monitor, because I use the main one for games, videos, and the occasional web browsing. So what I am looking for is a way to make all new windows made from a program initially appear on the same monitor as the program. Thank You for reading^^
Christian Studer   2008-09-17 10:15
UltraMon doesn't support this, also not via a custom script.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Child application opens on a different monitor

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