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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Maximised windows on 2nd screen go behind the taskbar
Ori   2008-09-17 22:03
Hello, I'm using Vista SP1 with the 3.0.2 32 bit beta version of Ultramon.

I run a laptop at 1280*800 with an external monitor at 1650*1050.

My problem is that any windows I maximise on the external monitor take up the entire 1650*1050 resolution, and as a result anything on the bottom of the window gets hidden behind the virtual taskbar.

I haven't been able to find a way to fix this and any help would be appreciated.


Christian Studer   2008-09-18 09:07
Is the main taskbar set to be always on top?

If yes, does restarting UltraMon fix the problem?

Christian Studer -
Ori   2008-09-18 20:58
Yes, the main taskbar is set to always on top, and no problems with windows on that screen.

No, restarting doesn't help. This problem has been there since I installed, after multiple computer restarts and program restarts.

Ori   2008-09-19 03:20
Likewise, it appears I'm not getting the full menu I should be on the smart taskbar. I keep seeing "Add taskbar for" options mentioned on this website, but when I right click the smart taskbar all I get are Toolbar and Position popups.

I don't really need the extra options, but this probably has something to do with my other issue.


Christian Studer   2008-09-19 09:10
UltraMon 3 no longer has those menu options because it takes the configuration from the main taskbar.

Unfortunately I don't know what would cause the issue you're seeing, for a workaround see this thread.

Christian Studer -
Ori   2008-09-19 20:58
Excellent, thank you very much for your help, that program worked perfectly.

FYI, I run the second monitor through a laptop dock, which I suppose is similar to the USB connection in the other thread. Perhaps you can glean some more information from that.

Thanks again,

Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Maximised windows on 2nd screen go behind the taskbar

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