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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Vista Crashing
biooya   2008-09-18 02:31
I'm a long time user of Ultramon. After "upgrading" to Vista, Ultramon appears to crash Vista at random times. I don't have any problems with Vista unless Ultramon is running. I am using Ultramon 3.0.2.
Christian Studer   2008-09-18 09:10
What's the driver that crashes? The name of the driver should be listed on the crash screen.

If the system gets restarted automatically, go to Control Panel > System > Advanced > Startup and Recovery > Settings and uncheck 'Automatically restart' to be able to see the crash screen.

Christian Studer -
biooya   2008-10-30 08:08
I just got around to reinstalling Ultramon again since I last reported this error. It definitely is related to Ultramon, as I have had no occurrence of it while uninstalled. The problem started again after reinstalling. The behavior is as described by the poster also...

I have an ATI Radeon 3570. It is the display driver that is reported on the BSOD, but I haven't caught the exact driver yet (I've set to not auto restart, but have to wait for the next crash.)
Christian Studer   2008-10-30 10:57
You should report this to ATI, the issue might get triggered by UltraMon but the real problem lies in the driver.

Christian Studer -
biooya   2008-10-31 00:45
FYI: Here's the Stop Error:

Stop: 0x00000116 (0x85B16510, oxbC013F63, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

atikmdag.sys address 8C013F6E base at 8C004000 Date Stamp 48acd291
biooya   2008-11-23 08:05
Just wanted to report that the OS crashed without Ultramon installed. Its only happened once without Ultramon, but none-the-less it did crash.
Christian Studer   2008-11-24 09:26
Thanks for the update.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Vista Crashing

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