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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitors and one taskbar, with "separated" icons
fiskstolpe   2008-09-21 03:19
I recently got myself a second monitor, and felt almost immediately that I wanted some improvements to the default Explorer behaviour. I tried UltraMon and two separate taskbars, but that didn't pan out like I wanted (partly because Taskbar Shuffle and Tclock2 wouldn't affect the second taskbar).
I'm content with one single taskbar, but I'd like to have the icons placed in two different "areas". I want to have the icons for the applications on my primary monitor in a separate group from the icons for the applications on my secondary monitor. See this quick mockup for clarification:

As you can see, I use a vertical taskbar. The left part of the screenshot shows how it's currently setup. All icons are grouped together, and I use Taskbar Shuffle to manually sort them, and I have positioned an empty Quick Launch bar on top to "indent" the icons, further down. (And I use Tclock2 to get flat icons.)
The right part of the screenshot shows what I'd like it to be. The first six icons further up are for the things I have placed on my first monitor, and the five icons further down are for the things I have own my secondary monitor.

This could be achieved if I had a software that would group icons based on what monitor their corresponding applications are placed, and I could put, for example, an empty Links bar between them. But I haven't seen any software that can group icons like this. I was hoping that UltraMon would have that feature since it can group icons on different taskbars, but alas, it wasn't possible. And I haven't been able to find any other app with google (quite a difficult thing to search for, as well). So I'm wondering if any of you might have any suggestions as to how I could achieve this, or something similar?

Thanks in advance.
ECarlson   2008-09-26 23:34
Create a new toolbar and put it on your second monitor or leave it on the main bar on the first monitor. You'll have to manually put the icons on the correct toolbar. You don't need any 3rd party utilities to do that.

- Eric,
fiskstolpe   2008-09-27 03:25
I'm sorry, but I believe you've misunderstood my post. I don't want to make new shortcuts in a new toolbar.

Trying to clarify what I'm looking for, I've repositioned my taskbar to the default position and switched off Tclock2. This is how I'd like my taskbar to behave:
ECarlson   2008-09-27 07:59
Ok, I don't know how to accomplish something like that. If the taskbar spans both monitors, then I would guess you are using the video card and driver's hardware span mode instead of regular Windows Extended Desktop mode. I don't think UltraMon was designed to be used with Span mode.

- Eric,
fiskstolpe   2008-09-27 09:36
I _don't_ have the taskbar across both monitors though, I have it positioned vertically:
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitors and one taskbar, with "separated" icons

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