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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi-monitor setup
mitko   2001-11-16 00:35
I'm plannig to build a multi-monitor PC but I'm confused with what type of setup to use. Should I buy a dual-head VC like ATI Radeon VE (or Radeon 7500) or buy an AGP and a PCI video cards? I plan on using the PC not only for work but for HomeTheater and gaming, so I have some questions:
1. If suppose I have 2 video cards will I be able to watch DVD, DivX and so on both displays?
2. Will I be able to play games on both screens?
3. Will I be able to watch DVD on one of the displays (a big TV Screen as I plan) while surfing in Internet on the other?
I this case I can do all this which of the VC should have a TV-Out and the better 3D?
4. If the better setup is with one dualhead card which one would you recommend?
mitko   2001-11-22 21:10
Come on!!!
Please, will someone answer?
I need the info, because I don't have the money to buy something and then end up with not working system
Amtro   2001-11-23 00:46
1. Likely not
2. Depends on the game, mainly. FlightSim!
3. Good question
4. I would recommend all separate cards. Dualheads are getting better, but they aren't there yet.

Last piece of advice: Avoid ATI like the plague! Read some ATI newsgroups to find zillions of posts, which means zillions of problems, including plenty of mine with their crappy products and crappy support.
westside   2001-11-27 15:14
Since you are desperate for answers, I will throw in my 2 cents:
I have been running multimonitors for years now, and have found the Matrox Dual Head cards to be very functional in the environments you indicated. Buy the very latest one to ensure compatibility and highest rez on your big screen.
mitko   2001-11-28 18:57
Thanks for the replys!
I read that Matrox don't support overlays on both monitors. :((( That's bad.
I get hold of one Asus7100T (GeForce2MX + TV-Out(BT869)) and it supported TwinView. The problem is that on the TV there is a black frame around the desktop. I read about overscan and the program TV Tool but it doesn't work in TwinView mode. :((((
Does anybody know about other program that can turn the overscan of the TV-Out OFF?
Mark   2001-12-01 11:14
ok, I have acquired myself a dual head monitor, its great if you want to run BOTH monitors at the same resolution, however since I am running two LCD monitors at different resolutions I am going the AGP and PCI option (with 2 dual head matrox cards, so for expansion I can run 4 monitors!)

depends on your needs.

I read on some site that you want the cards to be the same chipset too to prevent compatibility issues.
M Power   2002-11-27 08:21
In the Original Video Drivers For ASUS V7100
(I Have ASUS V7100 Combo deluxe) V6.31B(Works Only in Win98/ME) You Have the Possibiltie To turn on OVERSCAN for the TV,and with a Program
Called DivxG400 v2.7 You have the Possibilite to Adjust Your overscan on your TV.

(it works Fine, i look Movies on my TV While My girlFriend Surf on The Web),at the Same Time.)

Ps. The Overscan does Not Funtions On Windows XP
With Nvidia Detonators(The Detonator has no support for overscan)
SCWIDVICIOUS   2002-11-27 16:23

3. Will I be able to watch DVD on one of the displays (a big TV Screen as I plan) while surfing in Internet on the other?
I this case I can do all this which of the VC should have a TV-Out and the better 3D?

with the new windows media player 9..
you can full screen then play on the other monitors
Stipulation....this is privided you do not click the desktop itsself..when you click the desktop the wmp goes back to normal...
but as long as you in a problems..
triple monitors...

With games iv found that with the 9x operating systems..(win 98 me blah) there was a lot of gams shutting the puter down
but since i went to more it works perfectly
daniel   2002-11-27 22:20
geforcemx400 with tvout, i watch dvd's all the time full screen on the tv while using one of my other monitors (or both other screens) to surf the net etx, windvd 4 can mirror to the tv fullscreen as part of the program itself (its a option in the configuration) and with powerdvd, i just turn on overlay video mirroring and set it full screen to the tv in my display settings (you only have to do this once, it remembers your settings)
joementhol   2003-01-02 23:10
I don't know what that guy is talking about when he says ATI puts out a crap product.
I've been using ATI cards for years (building PCs for myself and others), and I'm currently running dual monitors with two of their cards. They work great, and I've never personally met anyone who's had any bad experiences with them.
Just because that guy can't figure out how to set up his hardware properly doesn't mean ATI is bad.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi-monitor setup

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