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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Opening window on wrong monitor
RichMark   2008-09-25 04:26

I have two monitors. When I click on to open my email the application opens on my secondary monitor. I want it to open on my primary monitor and no matter what I do (reboot, close it, minimize it, maximize it, move it to the primary monitor and close it) I cannot get it to open on my primary monitor.

Windows XP Pro
UltraMon 2.7.1

Can someone advise?
Thank you.
Christian Studer   2008-09-25 10:47
UltraMon might be able to position the application, to set this up right-click the application's shortcut, select Properties from the menu, then select the UltraMon - Window tab and configure the settings as desired.

Please note that this may not work with all applications.

Christian Studer -
RichMark   2008-09-25 12:15
That did it. Thank you.
Aaron   2008-10-07 08:05
I'm having a similar problem except EVERY window that opens goes to the secondary monitor. Is there a way to change so that by default all open in the primary monitor?
Christian Studer   2008-10-07 08:46
UltraMon currently doesn't support this.

Christian Studer -
Aaron   2008-10-08 00:25
Is there a reason why it's doing this? It's only begun since I installed Ultramon.

Christian Studer   2008-10-08 09:11
It's unlikely that this would be related to UltraMon, to verify this check if you still have the problem if UltraMon isn't running or installed.

My guess would be that the primary monitor got changed, you can change it again via Display Properties or UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Aaron   2008-10-09 00:05
The primary monitor was not switched and easily known since I extend the desktop across the other monitor, so my systray and start menu would have changed monitors.

I quit UltraMon and the windows went back to opening in the correct window; however, upon starting UltraMon back up they continued to open in the correct monitor so it seems that corrected it.

DOB   2008-12-21 08:48
Hmm... no more replys after it was confirmed that the problem was related to UltraMon?

I'm having problems with this aswell. It's about a 50-50 chance of the windows opening on the desktop where I'm actually working.

It should at least work with windows being "spawned" from an already running application, for example when a popup opens from a web browser or when opening an e-mail from an e-mail client.

How does the software determine what desktop the window should open on?
ECarlson   2008-12-21 12:56
Aaron: The Systray and start menu don't have to be on the primary monitor, so the fact that they stayed on that same monitor doesn't mean it was still the primary. But, anyway, glad you were able to fix it by stopping and restarting UltraMon.

DOB: Aaron had already posted the solution to his issue in his last post, so there was no reason for anyone to post a follow-up.

- Eric,
esquifing   2009-11-18 07:31
Hi, I'm having a similar problem as DOB. I want Outlook 2007 to open all related windows (such as incoming emails, create new email, create new calendar entry, etc) on the same monitor the mouse currently resides on.

From the Outlook 2007 icon, I did: Right click --> Properties --> UltraMon-Window --> Check "use custom settings" --> Select "On monitor: Monitor with Mouse".

However, Outlook opens windows on the last-opened monitor. For example:
- Outlook main window is on Monitor 2.
- I open a "new email window" on Monitor 2.
- I send the window to Monitor 1.
- I close the window and bring mouse back to Monitor 2.
- I open another "new email window" when I'm on Monitor 2.
- The "new email window" opens on Monitor 1.
- I have restarted UltraMon and also computer, but problem still exists.

OS: 32-bit Vista Business
UltraMon: UltraMon_3.0.7_en_x32.msi

This problem is very significant for me. Please let me know if it can be rectified. Thanks.
Christian Studer   2009-11-18 08:13
UltraMon can only position the main application window, not any child/popup/dialog windows.

Christian Studer -
sbtoyman   2010-05-22 04:31
Same problem, er quandry. I want to open any program in same window. This is particularly frustrating when remote ( LogMeIn, etc). Win 7 Pro x64; Office 07; Ultramon 3.0.10.

cristiano casella   2010-08-22 20:14
I created a shortcut to launch an application on the secondary diplay, at login it start on the primary! USUALLY if I manually relaunch the shortcut it work fine, anytime I have to reboot the system (win7)
Christian Studer   2010-08-23 10:31
Maybe the monitor isn't available yet during startup, I would recommend delaying the shortcut launch with the ApplyShortcutDelayed script.

Configure the script to launch the shortcut, then place the script or a shortcut to it into the Start Menu > Programs > Startup folder.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Opening window on wrong monitor

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