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Zxian 2008-09-25 21:15
The title is a pretty bad explanation of what's going on, so a picture will do much better. I've got three monitors running off two video cards - an ATI 4850 and an ATI 3650.
Display Bug
As you can see, the bottom of the reflection in the right-side wallpaper is shown in the taskbar on the left monitor. If I move the left taskbar to the top, the wallpaper remains behind for a second, before being cleared, and then the top of the right-side wallpaper is displayed under the taskbar (showing the blue streak under the Aero).
All video drivers are up to date. As it stands, the monitor arrangement is as shown in the image. OS is Vista Ultimate x64 SP1.
Christian Studer 2008-09-26 07:12
This seems to be a Vista issue, happens if you have a monitor to the left of the primary. I'm not aware of a workaround/fix for this.
Christian Studer -
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