Talbert 2008-10-06 22:53
When I boot up Windows (XP 64-bit) the taskbar on the second monitor is twice as wide as the taskbar on the first monitor. Any windows minimized to the second monitor will be displayed on the smart taskbar in the normal size, leaving lots of empty space.
The workaround is to go to the options and disable the smart taskbar. This removes the wide taskbar. Then go back to options and enable the taskbar. It reappears, but this time it is the correct size.
I'm also experiencing some crashes, but I'm not sure if ultramon is the culprit. The symptom is if I leave my computer locked overnight about 1 time out of 10 I'll come back to see that the taskbar is at the top of the first monitor and completely missing from the second monitor. This is before I press Ctrl+Alt+Del to unlock the monitor. When I press it nothing happens, so I have to pull the plug on the system.
This may have to do with the interaction between ultramon and Windowblinds (yeah, I know it isn't supported), I'm still trying to isolate. The first problem however appeared before Windowblinds was even installed.
Talbert 2008-10-06 22:55
I should probably clarify. By twice as "wide" I mean the taskbar is twice as high... like a 4 lane highway as opposed to a one lane street. Sorry for the confusion.
Talbert 2008-10-07 04:56
So it definitely doesn't have anything to do with Windowblinds. That's gone and the problem still showed up.
It will only randomly hit this problem when the computer goes to the password protected screesaver. The last time I was able to semi recover by typing blind to log back in and performing a few blind tasks. When I was able to get back up a window citing some error with Ultramon came up, but I don't see anything in the event log and I don't see any ultramon log files.
Christian Studer 2008-10-07 08:42
Please post the text from the error message when you get this the next time, you can copy the message text by pressing CTRL+C.
What happens if you resize the taskbar? If it is locked, you'll need to unlock the main taskbar in order to be able to resize the UltraMon taskbar.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
Talbert 2008-10-08 06:07
Ha. Finally got it again: Version 3.0.3 OS: 5.2.3790 ServicePack 2 x64 Source file: .\TaskBand.cpp Line: 462 Return value: 0 Last error: 1813
Christian Studer 2008-10-08 09:10
Did you notice which application you started when this happened, or which applications were already running when you started UltraMon?
You'll get this error if UltraMon tries to add a button for an application to the taskbar, and the application's window icon isn't valid.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
Talbert 2008-10-08 22:28
I think I've got it narrowed down to winamp.
Talbert 2008-10-08 22:48
I should add that the only windows I ever put on the secondary monitor (the smart task bar) are winamp/dfx and a virtual machine (VMWare).
Talbert 2008-10-08 22:56
Sorry for the multiple posts, there's no edit. I'm anticipating the next question... I was using winamp version 5.51. I've just upgraded to the latest version (5.541), but I've got ultramon uninstalled to see if the problem is indeed coming from ultramon.
Christian Studer 2008-10-09 10:48
Thanks for the information, I'll look into this for the next release.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
Talberrt 2008-10-10 04:53
FYI: I had Ultramon uninstalled and it happened again, so I don't believe it has anything to do with Ultramon.
It looks like Winamp may be the sole culprit. For whatever reason explorer (not iexplorer) really has problems coming back from a password protected screensaver when Winamp/DFX is located on the second monitor/extended desktop.
Now I just make sure I close Winamp if I know I'll be gone for a while.
Thanks for all your help though. I'll be reinstalling Ultramon now.