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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Pricing
Some guy   2008-10-09 01:51
I'd buy it for just the taskbar feature but $40 is asking too much. Why not have tiered versions with different features?

Christian Studer   2008-10-09 10:51
Thanks for the suggestion, but currently there are no plans for a lite version.

Christian Studer -
benway   2008-10-11 04:58
Some Guy:
I'm going to guess that Christian has found a good price point for him and is selling enough Ultramons. My philosophy is you can halve the price and triple the purchases, but that's just me. I've tried the trial out and just love it, but $40 is also too much for me too, so people like us will just have to go without. Christian does sort of have the market cornered, so really, he can charge what he wants, :)

I am curious, though I haven't seen the new beta: Is there going to be a clock on Ultramon (like in the systray on the regular taskbar)?
Christian Studer   2008-10-11 11:08
Support for a clock is planned, but I don't know if this will make it into 3.0 final.

But UltraMon 3 has support for regular toolbars, for example you could add the True Launch Bar with the clock plugin to an UltraMon taskbar.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Pricing

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