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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AMD 690G Chipset with "SurroundView"...
Duncan   2008-10-11 12:54

I've got a 22" 1680x1050 and two more are in the post, along with a Gigabyte GA-MA69G-S3H motherboard featuring AMD's 690G chipset, which according to Wikipedia can power 4 screens (

The details on this surroundview technology seem rather sketchy online, but the crux of it is that if I buy the right ATI graphic cards (looks like I'll need another 2 unless I can find one with dual VGA that supports this tech) I'll be able to harness the integrated and discrete GPUs to power my 3 displays. Starting to think this route is alot of hassle; a Matrox card to support upto 4 cards for ~£125 w/ cables off eBay.

Anyway, I was hoping you could shed some light as to what card's support this technology; can I use any ATI cards?
ecarlson   2008-10-14 13:24
Looks like pretty standard stuff to me. You should be able to run 2 monitors off the motherboard's 2 video ports, and another 2 monitors off any ordinary dual-output PCIe X16 video card.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AMD 690G Chipset with "SurroundView"...

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