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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple configs for Dell laptop and 2 monitors
Bryan   2008-10-13 02:45
I'm trying to setup several profiles for a laptop to display in different situations.

I usually use the laptop in a docking station and keep the laptop closed, so that I'm just using my two monitors. I've got the monitors setup as extended desktop so that I can have different work open on each monitor. I don't have any trouble with that.

I'd like to also have a profile setup to allow me to continue using both displays, but also allow me to open my laptop (which faces the guest side of my desk) so I can show guests what I'm looking at on one screen.

Basically I want to run a monitor as my primary, the other monitor as an extended desktop, and the laptop screen as a clone of the primary (or as a clone of the extended desktop, either would work)

Other configs I'd need are using the laptop when it's undocked, as it would come from the factory, without any multi monitor setup AND a single screen setup for use with a projector - I think both of these configs are pretty straight forward
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple configs for Dell laptop and 2 monitors

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