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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Not ready for Vista
Neil   2008-10-14 01:54
So my trial expired. $40 for a single license? No way. The graphics dont even work well on Vista. The added taskbar doesnt show the buttons very well (missing borders or icons or both), and the "switch monitor" button fails to show on title bars about 95% of the time, and when it does, its usually way off where its supposed to be.

If everything worked, all the time, as it should, I would still find it hard to justify $40, but I might.
Christian Studer   2008-10-14 08:27
Sounds like you had version 2 installed, support for Aero was added in the 3.0 beta.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Not ready for Vista

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