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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Powerpoint freezes?
Chris   2008-10-16 10:43
Hi, when I hit 'View Show' in powerpoint, it automatically starts the show and transfers it to the second monitor, so perfect. However, the slideshow does freeze on the 2nd monitor occassionaly. Is there a way to solve this or a keyboard shortcut to restart the show? Spacebar seems to close the slideshow and go back to edit mode in PPT.....Thanks, Chris
Christian Studer   2008-10-16 12:17
Sounds like a PowerPoint issue, running the slideshow on the secondary monitor is handled by PowerPoint.

To verify that the issue isn't related to UltraMon, check if it still happens without UltraMon running or installed.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Powerpoint freezes?

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