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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Making Secondary monitor my primary
Alan   2008-10-16 19:30
I have just bought a second panel for my laptop (Gateway using 915 series Intel chipset which is the same as the chipset on my Dell Inspiron 1300).

I set the panel up on my Dell and switch to my panel as my primary monitor using the laptop as my secondary). I use Ultramon to do this. On my Dell I can both extend my desktop and make the 2nd my primary. All very nice.

Now we get to my partners Gateway.
Using Ultramon I am unable to both extend my desktop AND use the second as my primary. As soon as I enable Use as Primary the panel loses the signal.

So I am unable to have my secondary as my primary monitor. All very frustrating as my partner needs that more than I do. She uses PhotoShop all the time and could well use the better display as her primary.

I have installed the latest chipset for the Gateway laptop.

Can anyone throw some light on this?

Christian Studer   2008-10-17 07:20
Not sure what would cause this, have you tried changing the primary monitor via the Intel software for the video chipset?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Making Secondary monitor my primary

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