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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor "Idenities"
Agile Virus   2008-10-21 09:29
Is it possible to change a screen so that it is monitor 1.

"Not Primary but monitor 1"

I am using a LCD TV 'Identity 2" and a Monitor 'Identity 1' for the computer but if the computer turn on and the TV isn't the Monitor is "1"
This is really annoying because I use the Monitor sideways which changes the desktop sideways and it take about 2 mins to change all the settings back.

Or dose Ultramon have a rotate screen option?

Agile Virus
Christian Studer   2008-10-21 10:30
I'm not aware of a way to do this, except changing to which port on the video card the monitor is connected.

If you switch the way the monitors are connected, you should be able to have the monitor which is always turned on as #1.

UltraMon can't change the display orientation.

Christian Studer -
Agile Virus   2008-10-22 05:56
Okay thanks for the reply.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor "Idenities"

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