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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse freezes on extended desktop? why is this?
George   2008-10-23 04:01
Hi all....I am using an HP notebook on a docking station. I have two additional monitors. I get picture on the two monitors with the notebook closed and do not want to use this screen.

The problem consistantly is that when I drag a program or even just the mouse to the extended screen it will freeze there.

If I use the laptop as primary it will drag across with no problem and doesnt freeze on mon 2 but if i go to the third it will freeze there, though the mouse comes back to the main it is still froze on screen.

How do I resolve this issue? Is it memory? or not enough video ram? I have flipped them all around and always have the same result....

The docking station provides one output for monitor and I have a usb2.0 VGA Adapter GXT Digital Pro connected to the second monitor..

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse freezes on extended desktop? why is this?

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