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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Graphics card choices these days..
Ewano   2008-10-26 13:08

Been a while since I looked at multi monitor setup, and as my old ATI Radeon 9700 and Nvidia MX 440 rig just bit the dust - I'm currently looking at building a new machine.

I'm looking to be able to drive three screens, playing the odd game on the primary card. Last time I played around with this sort of thing driver support was a real pain though - under win2k.

I was wondering where the current thought lies concerning ATI and Nvidia driver support under WinXP/Vista and *nix environments.

What are people's thoughts on mixing card manufacturers? I seem to remember needing to mix manufacturers to get reasonable multi screen support last time round - is this still the case, or am I better off sticking with one manufacturer now? Are identical cards a good idea now?

Christian Studer   2008-10-27 09:57
For Vista you should get two identical cards, or at least two cards using the same driver, otherwise you won't be able to use Aero. I would also recommend getting a motherboard with two x16 PCIe slots, so that you can install two regular video cards.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Graphics card choices these days..

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