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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV turns off, Screen configuration changes!
N8   2008-10-27 05:54
I've recently upgraded my setup to dual 50" TV's, and dual 27" monitors on the sides of these 2 TV's.

The two TV's are connected by a DVI -> HDMI converter connected to the graphics card, with an HDMI connection on both TV's.

Everything was working perfectly for a week or so, then I restarted my comp because of windows update and things stopped working right after that.

I usually turn off the TV's when I'm done working, or else my office turns into a furnace.

When I turn the TV's off, the screen configuration changes

After turning off screens then turning them back on: (just display properties screenshot)

Before: (just display properties screenshot)

The two TV's are plugged into the first GFX card if that means anything.

I'm assuming the problem here is that when the TV's turn off, my computer assumes that a monitor has been unplugged... but I can't figure out how to fix this.

Trial   2008-11-27 19:13
I have almoust the same problem: after loading PC from standby mode, my TV is not visible - I cannot switch to it neither from UltraMon, nor from windows display configuration screen. Only full system restart helps.

I don't think it is Ultramon's problem, but Vista or graphics adapter.

Configuration: Windows Vista, GeForce 9600GTS, TV is connected by DVI-HDMI cable.

PS: in windows XP this problem never arised.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV turns off, Screen configuration changes!

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