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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Can't use "Windows Key" in Hotkey combo?
TimL   2008-10-27 06:40
Am I missing something obvious or is the Windows key not supported (for hotkeys) by Ultramon?

That would seem odd since it's probably a common choice for hot key combos...
Christian Studer   2008-10-27 09:53
That's not supported directly, but you could set this up via the registry, see this thread for details.

For UltraMon 3 the registry key is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\<version>\Hotkeys.

Christian Studer -
TimL   2008-10-28 02:20

Thanks for the thread referral. I'll give it a try.

Any chance we can get this in a future version and avoid the direct registry edits?
Christian Studer   2008-10-28 12:39
That's certainly something I'll look into for a later release, but at the moment it seems unlikely that this would make it into 3.0 final.

Christian Studer -
MrCOLOMBO   2008-12-06 14:23
I can suggest a simple Workartound until you get HotKey edit component fixed to accept Win key itself.

Just add checkbox "Use Win key instead Ctrl + Alt" to hot key edit dialog.
This will be enough and user will be able to use Win key without registry editing.

It will take few lines of code and remove a big headache for some users.

Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Can't use "Windows Key" in Hotkey combo?

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