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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Automatic wallpaper changer in dual-screen ?
Charles   2008-11-05 05:43
I'd like to know if it's possible to have the wallpaper change automatically (ex: after every restart) but not with the same picture on both screens : I want one picture spreading across both screens (can't seem to find anything that does that).

I tried with Caledos ( it will only put the same picture on both screens, not one spreading across both.

Is it possible in Dualmon? If not, where can I find this?


Lyall   2008-11-26 04:53
I'd love to see this functionality implemented. I've used a few wallpaper rotators in the past but they conflict with Ultramon (I totally understand why this is).


Christian Studer   2008-11-26 09:25
Support for this will be considered for a future release, but you could already do this with one of the wallpaper changer scripts (ChangeWallpaper, UltraMon Wallpaper Auto Changer).

Christian Studer -
Cos   2009-03-27 03:57
Try, is doing everything you want and more.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Automatic wallpaper changer in dual-screen ?

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