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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple monitor headaches.
naltoidaddict   2008-11-07 02:29
I have an XP64 box in one of my labs with two Nvidia Quadro cards attached to a 24" mon, two 48" mon, and a projector. The problem I have is each time someone logs in they have to turn on everything just to find their task bar which seems to come up on a random monitor each time someone new logs in. Will Ultramon help with this? Unfortunately I don't have anything suitable to test on and testing on that particular system is difficult due to the amount of traffic.
Christian Studer   2008-11-07 10:44
UltraMon can't help with this, I'm also not sure what would cause this, usually the taskbar will be on the primary monitor.

Christian Studer -
Paeg   2008-11-25 23:50
could you not use ultramon to create a custom display profile that is loaded whenever someone logs on that forces the primary monitor to be a given monitor?

also, check the nvidia panels to see if you can force detection so the screens are always detected.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple monitor headaches.

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