Paegus 2008-11-10 03:21
Since it doesn't look like mouse-wrapping has made it into version 3 yet, and I couldn't find anything remotely functional that did the job (they either only wrap the main screen, or don't allow drag-wrapping), I decided to make my own using AutoHotKey.
You can either run the .exe or the .ahk (if you have AutoHotKey installed). There are several options: A tooltip that shows basic display and boundary information. Togglable Horizontal Wrapping. Though personally i didn't quite see the point but it seemed to fit since... Togglable Vertical Wrapping. Less common but still functional I think. Togglable full-screen application detection. For games and the like. Though i usually disable that in favour of UltraMons window-lock hotkey :D Settings are stored in a text file so they persist.
you can get the .exe (including the .ahk source code) from FileFront
you can get the source by itself from the AutoHotKey forum post here