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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Independent secondary monitor with Dexpot?
Kudos   2008-11-12 08:48
I am currently using Dexpot 1.4 (virtual desktop software) across 2 screens. However, when switching between virtual desktops, both screens change to the new virtual desktop. Is there any way, using Ultramon, of keeping the secondary screen static/constant, so that only the primary screen switches desktops? That way, a program placed on the secondary desktop would remain visible, no matter what virtual desktop the user is on.

I would think this is a Dexpot issue, but an entry in the Dexpot forum led me to your forum.
Christian Studer   2008-11-12 10:04
UltraMon can't do this. Some virtual desktop managers have an option to keep one or more applications visible on all desktops, but I don't know if Dexpot supports this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Independent secondary monitor with Dexpot?

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