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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Development
John   2008-11-13 00:51
Chris.. can you please hire someone to get this product developed faster?

Please? With sugar on top?

The popularity of this product has to be bringing in enough cash to warrant it, no?

The fact that it's November 2008 and there's still not an official build for Vista blows me away.

I have stuck Ultramon buttons showing up on my recycling bin frequently.
Christian Studer   2008-11-13 09:02
Which version are you using? So far I haven't seen the issue you mention (I'm using 3.0.3 on 64-bit Vista).

Christian Studer -
John   2008-11-14 08:40
It's only on Outlook 2007 emails. They just randomly appear on the bin. I'm using the latest beta.
Christian Studer   2008-11-14 09:08
Most likely this will be fixed in the next release, I have a similar issue with Outlook e-mail windows, the buttons aren't visible at all until you move/resize the window.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Development

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