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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> one view, two monitors
chasmo   2008-11-14 03:42
is there any way i can show the same thing on dual monitors so someone on the other side of my desk can see what i'm doing?

Christian Studer   2008-11-14 09:05
If both monitors are connected to the same video card you could do this with the video card's clone mode, or you could use UltraMon's mirroring feature.

Christian Studer -
ECarlson   2008-11-14 12:26
Hardware cloning via the video card's drivers is the preferred method as mentioned above. Software cloning (UltraMon) is also an option as mentioned above. A third option, though possibly the least desirable, would be to use a Y cable to connect 2 monitors to one video source.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> one view, two monitors

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