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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor+Beamer: Different size, Asp Ratio and resolution wanted
Zigurana   2008-11-18 01:01
Hi all!

So I have this very specific issue:
I work in neuroscience, where we use a beamer to project an image into the MR scanner, for use in experiments where we test things like attention and visual stimuli etc.. Due to limitations of the beamer and the scanner setup I can only use the lower 3/4 of the beamer's image (i.e. the beamer cannot come too close to the scanner, so the 'beam' has to go through a pipe).
So the problem is this: How can I set up this second monitor (the beamer) to be of a limited 'field of view', running at the native resolution of the beamer, and resizing the windows etc conform this new size.
So for example: the beamer runs at 1024x768 normally, but now I would like it to run at 1024x600, using only the lower part of the screen. This has to be the 'official' monitor size so that other applications such as powerpoint or videoplayers can run in full-screen, (but really at 1026x600).

For now, we have always worked around this issue by creating specific powerpoint presentations that only use the lower part of the screen, but this really gets annoying, and limits the possibilities of using other programs as well.

I'm really in the dark here, and would greatly appreciate all pointers that you can give.

Kind regards,
ECarlson   2008-11-20 10:16
You can use a 3rd party screen divider program to set up regions, or if you have an NVidia card, you can set up display regions with the NVidia card's software.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor+Beamer: Different size, Asp Ratio and resolution wanted

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