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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon 3
UniIFF   2008-11-20 22:22
When can we expect the final version of UltraMon 3?
Christian Studer   2008-11-21 09:21
End of December or January, but at the moment it looks more like January.

Christian Studer -
Tom Ray   2008-11-21 14:29
Will there be a new beta prior to the final release so that those of us who had to drop back to 3.02 or 3.01 can do some more testing?
Christian Studer   2008-11-22 03:12
Yes, most likely 2 or 3 releases before final.

Christian Studer -
AlanC   2008-12-06 03:24
Hi Christian,

In the preceeding messages you've said the v3 final will be out in December or January and also stated that there will be two or three further beta releases prior to the final version. Not a big deal but the two bits of information don't tally.


Aqualung   2008-12-07 02:34
With v. 3.0.3 I am still getting issues such as this: Mising Ultramon Buttons and: Misplaced Buttons; I thought 3.0.3's raison d'etre was to fix these...
Christian Studer   2008-12-07 07:50
The Outlook issue should be fixed in the next release, so far I've had no issues with misplaced buttons with 3.0.3, if you still see this with 3.0.4 let me know.

Christian Studer -
Kristoffer   2009-02-27 03:31
How is this going? I wan't to buy this so that I can use Ultramon at work, and not use the crappy multimon or whatever the free thing is called.
Christian Studer   2009-02-27 08:51
The Outlook issue is fixed in 3.0.4. You'll already get an UltraMon 3 license if you purchase now, valid for all 2.x and 3.x releases.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon 3

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