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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Fullscreen app on monitor 2
Strozzi   2008-11-20 23:05
I cannot get XBMC_for_Windows-8.10 to run maximized on my LCD TV(monitor 2).
I have set Ultramon custom settings for the XBMC-shortcut to run the application in fullscreen on monitor 2, but when i run it, it runs in windowed mode, with part of the XBMC window showing on monitor 1.
I have tried different approaches in settings, but either way; the XBMC window will not execute in fullscreen on monitor 2.

The only way it will run on fullscreen on mon.2 is if i execute the shortcut from mon.2, but then monitor 1 switches to the same resolution as mon.2..

i have Ultramon 3.0.3 beta installed on my Win Vista 64bit PC, and Nvidia 8400 GS videocard.
I have enabled DualView on the Nvidia software, and run a 22" LCDmonitor 1680*1050(monitor 1)screen + Samsung 32" LCD TV 1360*768(monitor 2)

Thankful for ANY help n tips.!
Strozzi   2008-11-21 06:31
i have found some posts where it seems the monitor running fullscreen apps must be the primary monitor.
I tried this and it "worked", except it is not the solution i ultimately was looking for..
I had wanted to sit and work on the primary monitor, and run a fullscreen media center on the TV.. but hey
Christian Studer   2008-11-21 09:38
UltraMon can't run an application in fullscreen mode, with the maximize option the window still has a title bar.

But maybe the application has a command-line switch to enable fullscreen mode.

Christian Studer -
Darrin   2009-09-23 23:58
I have exactly the same issue.
XBMC does have a full screen mode. add a -fs at launch. BUT there are issues.
Yes, if you launch XBMC -fs on the Primary screen, it works correctly (FULL SCREEN)
BUT, if you launch XBMC -fs on the secondary screen you end up with a border.
I run my secondary LCD at 720p. If I launch XBMC and then go into XMBC and change the resolution to 480p and then back to 720p, the border will disappear and I will get full screen.
BUT, when I close XMBC and relaunch, it comes back with the border.
Also, the "LAST POSITION" in Ultramon does not appear to work for XBMC.

I dont want the large screen to be the Primary.
I have a small touchsceen LCD as the Primary.

VISTA x64 Ultramon 3.0.7
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Fullscreen app on monitor 2

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