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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> When I Alt-Tab, can I...?
Katherine   2008-11-23 16:16
If I use the function where I can set a shortcut to open a program in a particular screen and change the resolution etc of that screen, does it keep that resolution when I Alt-Tab out of that program and push my desktop around, or does it tab back as though I had not changed the screens resolution?

I don't like having everything on my 2nd screen move around when I'm running something fullscreen at a lower resolution on my primary monitor.
Christian Studer   2008-11-24 09:43
Is this with UltraMon?

UltraMon will only restore display settings when the application exits.

Christian Studer -
Katherine   2008-11-24 13:54
Ok thanks.
Paeg   2008-11-25 23:33
the screens are drawn from the top left of the primary monitor. screens to the RIGHT of the primary will reposition when adjustments are made.

i have a 3 monitor setup. the physical arrangement is with the primary in the middle and then one on each side. however this caused problems with resolution changes so as far as the computer is concerned the primary monitor is the right most.

what i see vs what my computer sees

the problem there is that the right hand border of the primary and the left hand border of what i see as the right-most screen are adjacent but the the mouse couldn't cross it. after unsuccessfully searching for a functional mouse-wrapping application i eventually wrote my own using AutoHotKey where you can find a link to here

Scribbles   2008-12-04 01:32
Just a quick dummy check
Have you tried arranging the monitor layout in windows display properties ( or ultramon, though i havent messed much with that)
To adjust the physical arrangement of the monitors.
Right click on your empty desktop, click properties, and goto settings tab.
At the top the picture of the monitors, the monitors can be moved to indicate their arrangement on your desk. Just click identify to figure out which monitor is which, and drag them to the correct order.

I think ultramon has a similar interface, but I'm not @ home so I cant check.
Hope that helps
(I've seen alot of people who don't realize you can rearrange that picture)
Crow   2008-12-04 18:13
@ Scribbles

I think you didn't get what Paeg is talking about.
He has windows set up so the primary monitor is on the right. So the other desktop doesn't move around when the resolution of the primary is changed by a fullscreen app.
-> |3| |2| |1|
But in his physical setup the primary display is in the middle because it is much more natural.
-> |2| |1| |3|
So he came up with an application which moves the mouse cursor to the left edge of the display 3 (for windowws on the left, physically on the right) when it leaves the primary to the right. This way everything behaves normally in the 2-1-3 setup but without the nag off the moving dektop on resolution changes.

Haven't tested this, but nice idea Paeg!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> When I Alt-Tab, can I...?

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