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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ToggleDesktop function
Markus   2008-11-25 23:14

im working with ultramon since a couple of days (trialversion) and i think i will buy licenses for our company ist realy usefull.

BUT: is there any way to do something like the ToggleDesktop function of the ToggleDesktop.scf for EACH monitor seperatly?

The intension: when we're working we often have some window on the secondary monitor which is nearly "static" should not be minimised when we click on the XP-Shortcut ToggleDesktop.scf.

Is there anyone who can script something like this? I have read the SDK-help briefly but it's one step to complicatat for me ;-)

The structure of my idea:
- identify the running app's on the monitor no "x"
- set the state of all found windows to "minimized to tray"

I think this will be a nice addon for everyone...if ist possible ;-)
Christian Studer   2008-11-26 08:35
You can't do this with a custom script for UltraMon, but per-monitor Show Desktop will be in the next release.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2008-11-27 14:13
I had just started looking for this function, and by searching the forum, I came across this thread.

Great news, Christian. Do you have a rough idea about when the next version will be released?

Best regards,

Hans L
Christian Studer   2008-11-28 06:57
3.0.4 should be ready within the next two weeks.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ToggleDesktop function

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