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Scribbles 2008-12-04 00:31
I made a reply here describing what I did and what context I was able to get a game to be able to lose focus without minimizing.
To sum up that post, I found a game which supported the ability to run in windowed mode without window frame, if this "Window" was made full screen, it performed identical to standard fullscreen, however it would not minimize when that window lost focus. This worked extremely well, and was exactly what I wanted.
So, the question I'm posing is, is there a possibility that this could be a setting that can be added to ultramon, so I can force my games to run in a maximized unframed window?
This feature will probably make the difference between my purchasing this program and just finding a different free app.
Christian Studer 2008-12-04 10:50
Currently that's not supported. I'll look into this for a future release, but don't know if it's actually possible.
Christian Studer -
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