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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> triple head2go question
Max   2008-12-04 20:28
Hi guys

did anyone experienced mixing different resolution monitors with th2g ?

I have 3x19" and they do great at all resolutions,
but Id like to put a 24" in the middle. That would have higher resolution, but I wonder Id be forced to use all the same resolution on the 3 monitors unregarding of their capabilities...

In case Id be forced to use the 2 ports of the vga card (which is agp) one for the big monitor and the other port with a dual head to go at least... that wouldn't be going fine with a unique desktop but the 3 monitors would work.
thunder_2008   2008-12-11 04:21
Yes, it willl work fine for using 3-lcds at varied resolutions. though it will also look just as the res settings which you set it towards.

view sonic 22" & Hp 24"
2x-3870x2 Asus Tops
c2q 6600 oc'd 4Ghz 1.60v
vista 64Ultimate
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> triple head2go question

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